Thursday, June 26, 2008

The lıfe of a working girl.......

Hello from beautiful, amazing, breathtaking İstanbul!!! I will begin by telling you just how much my life has changed ın the past week!! I have went from washing my haır, body, and clothes wıth the same palmolıve body wash, brushıng my haır wıth the brıstles of a brush that once had a handle, shavıng my legs wıth a handleless razor (thıs ıs really dıffıcult), eatıng my free hostel breakfast for breakfast and lunch, and eıther eatıng falafel whıch cost 40 cents for dınner or the braıns of a sheep.....prıceless!!! Now I am lıvıng ın an amazıng flat wıth floor to ceılıng wındows overlookıng the sea (only a few mınutes walk away)ın amazıng amazıng amazıng Itanbul...I have a room wıth my lıttle pony sheets, my own laptop, a house attendant who cleans and makes my bed every day, makes all meals, except for those that are purchased at fancy restaurants lıke the golf and country club where I spent my day today!! I go bowlıng, swımmıng, play board games and dance around the house wıth Sıbel (mom), Güchon (13)and Sınem (8)!!!! I am anxıously awaıtıng gettıng myself naked ın one of the turkısh hammams!!!!!!!! Will wrıte more from paradıse soon!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Jordanian night club tour.....

I am writing from the Farah hotel, Amman, Jordan!! A couple nights ago I was sitting at this same computer trying to make a decision whether I will come home for the summer or not, when Jarrett, the guy beside me said "Megan, I can jump over people!" And of course I offered myself to be jumped over! Outside onto the street a group of us went to see what Jarrett could do. First he jumped over this guy from England, while standing up...then added a guy from Iceland, then the jordanian man who owns the gambling 'cafe' across the street, and then me all standing in a row for Jarrett to jump over!!! And he did!! Afterwards we were all invited to the cafe for Sheeshas and tea and told that we were all welcome there anytime and could have anything we wanted for free. Jordanian hospitality.

The next night as we were walking back to the hostel the men in the 'cafe' invited us up for tea, we began speaking about Jordanian culture and got on the topic of night clubs....."come with me, you wont believe it, I will show you," one of the men said. So we went with him for a night club tour all around Amman, and although we didnt enter any of the well hidden, russian and phillipine women frequented clubs, I know now where they all are and learnt so much about the culture here in Jordan!!! On the way back we stopped for a fruit cocktail (juice), we pulled up to a street stall, honked the horn and the owner, a friend of our 'night club tour guide' came, took our orders and brought us the most amazing fruit cocktails in glass cups to drink in the car. When we were finished with a honk of the horn the man came, took our glasses, and we were on our way!!

Before Amman, I went to Wadi Mousa to visit Petra, I met some amazing people and wandered around where parts of 'Indiana jones and the last crusade' was filmed!!! I also went petra by night, the entire siq and treasury (1.5 km walk) was lit up with candles and bedouin music under the amazing stars!!!

On my journey back from wadi mousa to amman I sat in the front seat of a local bus, infront of me a sign that said (spelling errors and funniness included)

Passengers bill of rights and responsibilities

1) Loading and unlaoding are not allowed except in des ignited places.

2) Smoking and throwing litter from the vehicle are prphbited.

3) Radio and cassette player prohibited with annoying form.

4) Driver is fully familiar with the rote and SHOULD reach the final destination in each trip.

Along with the blonde hair hanging from the rearview mirror and this sign, I had a good laugh!!

Okay Im off, hope everyone is well!!!