Sunday, May 6, 2007

Megan the great

Hi all!!!

I am writing from Lijiang, China, it is an amazing sunny day today....looks like I left the rain behind in Dali. I'll back track to my adventures in Dali. This past week has been the week long chinese golden holiday and Dali was sooooooooooooooooooooooo packed with people. I just chilled out doing nothing for a couple days, my hostel was a beautiful gongshow, it felt almost like a tropical paradise! Dali was cool, had a beautiful useless lake, as you cannot swim in it, cool buildings and amazingly beautiful people. Some of the most beautiful old people I have ever seen.....minorities who are naxi, tibetan and more! I took the 4 hour bus from Dali to Lijiang which is bordering Tibet, the bus rides here are brilliant! its like being on a scary ride at an amusement park.....I really do enjoy them!

I am staying at the most brilliant guesthouse called Mama Naxis. I met up with Megan (who is now called number two and I am number one) at the guesthouse...... as soon as we arrived she fed us tea and bananas....mama and papa take care of everyone here like a big family...If she sees you out on the street, she asks if your hungry and then will make you come in to her place and she will feed you. Everyone meets for breakfast, which is a massively huge banana pancake (the size of a pizza and just as thick) for 50cents, and again for dinner, you sit down and they just keep bringing out food and more food and more food, and it is all brilliant and costs only 1.75.........such an amazing place......last night we came in around 1am and she came out and said to a couple of guys 'you go to tigerleaping 8am, go to bed, I wake you up early.' She speaks little english but can communicate well and everyone calls her mama. No one else here has ever stayed at a place like it!!!!! i may just stay here the rest of my trip!!!! he he!! oh yeah and my bunk bed has stairs going up to it.....amazing!!!

What else...hmmm.....I have peed in a trough, and beside people with no dividers and well Im going to take a siesta now....later, number 1


Janet Whitehead said...

a mama who is cooking you breakfast and dinner and feeding you whenever you are hungry? why wouldn't you want to stay there!
I'm good at making sure Courtney eats.. that's the bun thing though. Not sure if it's a cinnamon bun or a cheese bun.
Glad all is amazing there...can't wait to see pictures! Love, your real mama

Janet Whitehead said...

hey meg, here's from your wall, via Shandee... you could cut and paste it into your blog!!

Okay , so yesturday nanna, cecil and I came to Dali to do 3 days of Tai chi at a monastery, we were at the bird bar hostel when a lady came in and asked us to be in a movie.....they would provide food and a place to stay and they needed us for up to 15 days....since we were doing the t aichi we said no....but this morn it was pouring rain so we called her up and said in 20 minutes I am heading to a private hotel to get all dolled up and filming starts at 8 pm tonight ...its a vampire movie so I'll probably just be a dead person on the side of the road, ha ha!!!!! At our hostel someone said that tom cruise was in the movie...doubt it but it will be interesting to see who is in it!!! Hilarious!!!! later, megs

Today's wall post from Megs: Okay so Im finished my first day of work......i guess its the same pr oducers of crouching tiger hidden dragon....and we were told that we would go right to makeup and then filming at 8...well they picked us (25 foreigners) up and took us to a studio to show the director our kung fu skills........hahahahahahahahahahahahaha it was a beautiful gongshow...I dont think Ive even seen a kung fu movie before. we had to perform one by one with everyone was hilarious...I did yoga!!! Not one foreigner knew kung fu.....I was just hoping to be a dead person or something.....apparently they probably wont even film in the next few days (they are so disorganized) so for now Im just gonna enjoy my lovely bedroom that has a bathroom and a TV!!!!!!! Later, Megs